Image And Audio Flashcards

How to make Image Flashcards and Audio Flashcards

If you want to use images and audio in your flashcards then you can follow these simple steps.

Create a resource directory

1. Set Up Your Resource Directory

Using a file manager application (almost all devices have one) go to a directory location and create your resource directory. I made mine in the root directory (where Documents, Download, etc. are)

Image and Audio subdirectories

2. (Recommended) Create Sub Directories

I recommend you to create atleast two folders to keep your images and audios organized. Inside my resource directory I create two sub folders called "Images" and "Audio"

Give KoLearn permission to Read External Files

3. Give KoLearn Permission to Read External Files

KoLearn needs a permission to read files that are not created by the app. This permission is used ONLY to read your images and audio indicated in each flashcard

Indicate Root Resource Directory

5. Indicate Your Root Resource Directory

Select the first directory you created. In my case it is the "KoLearn" folder I created. All your images and audios you want to use for your flashcards must be inside this directory. If you did everything, you should see the steps in green.

Create And Edit Flashcards

6. Create and Edit Your Flashcards

Select your flashcard mode and in case of image and audio indicate which file it will be using. That's it!


Quizzes: Image Quizzes and Audio Quizzes

To have drag and drop quizzes you will need at least 2 image flashcards in a quiz.


Importing: Moving Your Image and Audio Flashcards To Other Devices

If you are moving your flashcards to another device use a compressor (like .zip) to compress the root resource directory. On your other device decompress it in the SAME directory. For example: if you created your resource directory in documents, then you will need to do the same for other devices, your flashcards will pick up the file if done correctly

Great Free Images Website

If you want to download the same images I use in the app, head to this website. They make excellent images

Free Images (Flaticon)

Happy learning!