Create custom flashcards


Your custom flashcards

Create all the flashcards you want, write a front, back and category value.


Customize your layout

Show your flashcards by list mode or single mode, front content, back content or both. You can also create notes for each flashcard!
Customize flashcard layouts
Prioritize flashcards


Prioritize Flashcards

Flashcards get prioritized after getting them wrong, or manually settting its priority. You can enable review mode to show higher priority flashcards.
Flashcards decks


Create Decks

Create decks and organize your flashcards by decks. Decks remind you to review them by days passed since last review.
Flashcard packages


Premade Packages

Get flashcards everyday and expand your vocabulary!
Prepare quizzes


Prepare Quizzes

Make personalized quizzes with your flashcards. By category or random, with review mode on or off, showing one side of the flashcards or at random and more


Multiple Quiz Types

Show your flashcards by list mode or single mode, front content, back content or both. You can also create notes for each flashcard!
Multiple quiz types
Korean Recognition


Korean Writing

Draw on your screen Korean and it will be detected. Words, characters and even phrases are recognizable!


Simple Korean Lessons

Learn how to write and read Korean (Hangeul). Start learning Korean grammar as well!
Multiple quiz types
Korean Recognition


Practice Writing

Follow guidelines to learn Hangeul! All vowels and consonants in an interactive and simple way